Tuesday, October 04, 2011


It's that time of year again -- the crisp cool mornings have finally returned to Georgia. I think fall is my favorite time of the year.

There is a lot going on right now and it makes me anxious -- but I know this will pass. Our Walk To End Alzheimer's is October 15th. I am hoping for gorgeous weather like we have been having. The day after that I'm off to LA only to connect to my long awaited trip to Australia. I still can't believe it. That has been on my bucket list for so long. My son has made this happen. I don't travel all that well these days but I know that he will take good care of me. I also know that I have some followers from "down under" so if you have some suggestions for us, please let me know!

He and his wife are moving back to the Atlanta area as I write this. When we return he'll be working for a large law firm in Atlanta. I'm so glad they will be close. I know part of the reason they are moving back here is because of my health, and I wish that weren't the case, but I am glad they are going to be "home" again.

This afternoon I get to go speak to one of my favorite groups, a gerentology class at UGA. The professor invites me every year and I really enjoy talking with her students. They always have lots of questions. And, many times have a very different perspective on Alzheimer's. A chance meeting of this professor happened several years ago when I was on my way to an Alzheimer's meeting in Chicago and she was on the same shuttle bus from Athens to the Atlanta airport. I'm so glad I have gotten to know her. She also fields a team for our annual walk.

And, I have a new book for you to consider. It's written by Dr. Mary Cail and it is called "The All Weather Friend's Guide To Alzheimer's Disease". I haven't personally read it yet, but it is available on Amazon. Here is a link to her website http://www.allweatherfriend.com/. One of the lines on her website is "Books to help friends be friends when it matters most". I like that. One thing that you hear quite frequently with people that have Alzheimer's is how many of their friends turned their backs on them after receiving a diagnosis. I'm anxious to read her book.

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